My Valentine

It is funny how life can become so mundane.  The rhythms and patterns of life just seem to lull us into “regular life”.  Days drag into weeks.  Weeks drag into months.  Nothing special going on.  We start to focus on the not so important stuff.  What’s for dinner?  The trash needs to go out tonight.

Not that I’ve lost sight of my love, my sweet boy, but it is more like I haven’t really seen him in a while.

A friend shared this song on fb this morning that is just such a sweet reminder that taking the place in my heart, right after God, is this wonderful man.  A wonderful gift of a husband.  A beautiful friend.

He is strong, handsome, loving, quirky, brilliant, ornery, a little dramatic and extremely reliable.  He certainly can drive me crazy (and vice versa).  But his presence in my life has made me into the woman I am today.  I am blessed to be his wife.

I think that is why vacations are so nice.  You are taken out of the everyday.  You get an opportunity to slow down and enjoy each other’s company, to talk, to take long walks, to see each other.  But we haven’t taken a break in a while.  So I need to be a bit more intentional.  I need to stop the everyday in some small way to see my love, my valentine.  I need to throw my arms around him and tell him that I really see him and that all of me still loves all of him.  We promised to grow old together, and that is just what God is allowing us to do.

Father God, thank You for marriage.  Thank You for my sweet boy.  Looking back over the years, we’ve had our share of bumps in the road, but You are the center of who we are, and it has made all the difference.  Help me Lord to not let the everyday steal away the best part of life.  Help me to really see the people around me and to love them well.  Amen.

If you are blessed enough to have a spouse, I hope that you will open your heart and your eyes to really see them and to love them well.  As my daughter will tell you, the grass grows greenest where you water and fertilize it.  Tend to your marriage.  Put God first and your spouse second.  Don’t let love get lost in the everyday mundane.

Be intentional, be encouraged, press on.

Together in the Garden of Love

My beloved has gone down to his garden to the beds of spices, to graze in the gardens and to gather lilies. I am my beloved’s and my beloved is mine; he grazes among the lilies. (Song of Solomon 6:2-3 ESV)

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